early classification

A Framework to Evaluate Early Time-Series Classification Algorithms

Early Time-Series Classification (ETSC) is the task of predicting the class of incoming time-series by observing as few measurements as possible. Such methods can be employed to obtain classification forecasts in many time-critical applications. …

Resource-Effective Exploration of Tumor Treatments with Multi-scale Simulations

Machine learning is regularly used to interpret and analyze information from large and complex datasets originating from numerous fields. In Bioinformatics, the exploration of potentially beneficial drug configurations for tumor treatments via …

Parallel Model Exploration for Tumor Treatment Simulations

Computational systems and methods are often being used in biological research, including the understanding of cancer and the development of treatments. Simulations of tumor growth and its response to different drugs are of particular importance, but …

An Empirical Evaluation of Early Time-Series Classification Algorithms

Early Time-Series Classification (ETSC) is the task of discerning the class of time-series observations, as accurately and fast as possible. Such approaches can be incorporated in forecasting, and this way assist on many research fields. However, …